Who wrote your testimonials

Who wrote your testimonials

Who wrote your testimonialsDawn Strachan
Published on: 23/10/2024

Good or bad, every testimonial you will find about us is 100% authentic and written by someone we have worked with or supported in someway.

How regular are the lessons?

How regular are the lessons?

How regular are the lessons?Dawn Strachan
Published on: 23/10/2024

The frequency of the lessons is completely at your discretion. Some families will request a couple of lessons a week, for others once a month is sufficient

What qualifications do your tutors have?

What qualifications do your tutors have?

What qualifications do your tutors have?Dawn Strachan
Published on: 02/10/2024

We are occasionally asked if all our tutors are qualified teachers, here's our honest answer and reasoning
